Showing 4 results
  • Publications

    Small but Mighty: The latest in micro-optics fabrication, structures and materials

    Fabricating small features in glass or polymer optics has applications ranging from improving the efficiency of industrial lasers, to guiding light in lidar systems used in autonomous vehicles. Lissotschenko Mikrooptik has been developing complex beam shaping optics for lasers in consumer electronics manufacturing lines, while researchers at Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland) and TU Dresden (Germany), are discovering new ways to produce smoother polymer lenses in mass-production environments.
  • Publications

    New 3D printing system produces higher quality micro-optics

    Nanoscribe has developed a one-step 3D printing system capable of producing a range of micro-optical components with smoother surfaces, higher shape accuracy and significantly smaller geometrical constraints than those achievable using standard 3D printing technologies.
  • Videos

    Cutting-Edge R2R Technology

    Nanocomp is a global forerunner in micro- and nanophotonics design and manufacturing showcased in this newly released video about our capabilities.
  • Publications

    European manufacturing capabilities for photonics

    This publication discusses manufacturing capabilities set up by the European Comission to provide services for the pilot production of photonics devices to SMEs, focusing on achievements and challenges for the future. Source: PhotonicsViews